Ceate a Breadcrumb SEO Friendly blogger

breadcrumb navigation SEO friendly blogger

My Backlink - Navigation breadcrumb is a link that serves to provide guidance as to the location or category of an article and allows you to find the basic page of the article being read.

Link shown here is the link where your articles are or can be called as a location of your article. Breadcrumb navigation is commonly placed on the title of the article / post.

There are three benefits / usefulness of breadcrumb navigation, namely:

  1. Beautify the look of the page / article.
  2. Allows visitors to browse the blog.
  3. Optimizing a page in search engines (search engines).
The most important of the above 3 things of course is "optimizing pages in search engines" or often called SEO. For those who do not know about SEO, you can search on google about what SEO.

Breadcrumb navigation may not be as important as keywords in SEO. But clearly the breadcrumb navigation is one of the factors of SEO. So, a little amount will also affect the position of your blog in search engines, especially Google.

How to install the breadcrumb navigation in the blogger.

Breadcrumb navigation in the blogger will appear based on the label of your post. Here's the tutorial.
  1. Login to the blogger.
  2. Select the Layout (Layout) »Edit HTML.
  3. Tick to Expand Widget Templates.
  4. Find the following code. You will find more than one code like this. Select the second one, which is in / under the code <b:includable id='post' var='post'
<b:if cond='data:post.title'>

5. Add the following code at the bottom.

<b:if cond='data:post.labels'>
<b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
<a expr:href='data:label.url' rel='tag'><data:label.name/></a>
<b:if cond='data:label.isLast != "true"'>,</b:if>

6. Save the template.

Now look at the result. If it is successful, it means that you are already running one of the SEO tips.

Hopefully be useful :) .

How to compress Javascript to Speed Blog

Javascript Logo

My Backlink - Sometimes we often require javascript code for a variety of purposes in the actual blog where a growing number of javascript code in a blog and then automatically measure will add a blog page and also add loading to open a blog.
To the javascript code can be compressed to produce smaller size, so as to speed up the loading of the blog.

For how to compress javascript can be done online as follows:

Step 1
  • Please visit this site jscompress.com.
  • Copy javascript code you want to compress and paste the Javascript code input box, or you can also upload file.js us via Javascript Upload tab files.

 compress Javascript
Tutor compress Javascript 1

Step 2

Click the Compress Javascript and get results on the tab Output by clicking Download JS Files .

compress Javascript
Tutor compress Javascript 2

And the javascript code that we have already compress results with smaller file size. If the script wants to be saved as an external file, and will be called later through the website so we can keep on hosting javascript script like google code.

Thus a way to compress javascript to speed blog or webiste.

How to create an interesting blog

Google and Blogger Logo
Google and Blogger Logo

My Backlink - Many of the bloggers who simply create a blog and do not take care of it when nice and informative blog that can increase revenue by bloggers.

To earn the promises of a blog, there should be a consistency of a blogger, is to continuously fix and keep updating his blog and view the blog post, so that makes blogs interesting.

The characteristics of a good post

Post is the most important thing in a blog, without posting it is not a blog and posting original and informative, our blog will be interesting to visit.

1. Original
Try to be creative to make a post, please copy the posts from other blogs, because it will make your blog be poor quality and visitors are reluctant to visit the blog friends. If the companions are forced to look at other blog posts, try it just for reference only, and make references in the bottom of the article. Writing original content banya also bring benefits to others and ourselves "Gains create original content that is not recognized".

2. The theme / topic
Make postings related to the theme of the blog friends, do not let friends make a post but in contrast to the theme / topic of blog friends. Because the theme of the blog we will determine our blog brand and I recommend do not be a blog that has a lot of topic or blog called hodgepodge. (How to choose a blog topic).

3. Mutual concerned
Make posts that are bersangkuta, because the link is concerned we can put up inbound links that include on-page SEO techniques. Made a post in question also can reduce the bounce rate of your blog, and mempebesar PV (Page View) per visitor us.

Design blog

Next is the design of a blog, and the following characteristics of a good blog design:

1. Neat
Try to make the layout of a blog into a neat and not messy, because blogs are neatly will make visitors feel at home and continue to visit your blog, while the blog look cluttered and unclear, will make visitors become confused and will leave your blog, of course it is very disadvantage, because the blog without visitors is useless.

2. The fast loading website
Keep the blog template that you use light and not too many widgets are useless, karenak it will make your blog accessible and membiat heavy to unsettle visitors explore your blog, following "How to speed up loading your blog or website"

If the above aspects friend live, surely companions will succeed in the world of blogging. Keep the spirit of blogging and keep learning, because despair is not an appropriate way. Failing that usual, there is no success without failure