Showing posts with label Tutorial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tutorial. Show all posts

How To Create Adsense In The Middle of Blog Post

Adsense In The Middle of Blog Post

MY BACKLINK - In this post my backlink discuss about tutorial how to install adsense in the middle of blog post. Actually there are so many articles that discuss about this tutorial, but coincidence in this blog has not been discussing this tutorial so I make this tutorial post to you.

The benefits of tutorial install adsense in the middle of this blog post that you can further increase Google Adsense revenue on your blog with a higher clickthrough rate and usually will more interest to readers with ad content that is displayed because of the position of a strategic ad in the middle of the blog post .

Here's how to install adsense in the middle of blog posts

The way is very easy, here you just need to replace the specific code in the template and replace it with the code that I will give in the guide below.

1. Please login to Blogger and select the blog you want to edit.

2. Click the Template menu, click the Edit HTML button, then search and replace this code <data:post.body/> in your template with the code below.

Read also How to Install Google AdSense In-Feed Ads on Blogger

Inside the template you will find some <data:post.body/> code depending on the template you are using, try it one by one until the ads appear in the page of your blog article.

Adsense In The Middle of Blog Post

Read also How to Create an AMP Adsense Unit on Blogger

<div expr:id='"ads1" +'></div>
<div style="clear:both; margin:10px 0">
<div expr:id='"ads2" +'><data:post.body/></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var obj0=document.getElementById("ads1<>");
var obj1=document.getElementById("ads2<>");
var s=obj1.innerHTML;
var t=s.substr(0,s.length/2);
var r=t.lastIndexOf(" ");
if(r>0) {obj0.innerHTML=s.substr(0,r);obj1.innerHTML=s.substr(r+1);}

Please note, the above script will place the ad exactly in the middle of the post, or in other words, the script will count all the words in your article and divide it into 2 (see the code line var t=s.substr(0,s.length/2);), then insert ads at that point.

To parse the Adsense code, can use this tools parse here.

3. Save the template and see the results.

Well, please apply the tutorial how to install adsense in the middle of this blog post on your blog. Hopefully will be able to improve CTR ads on your blog.

How to Install AdSense In-Feed Ads on Blog

How to Install Google AdSense In-Feed Ads on Blogger

For a demo of Google AdSense In Feed Ads please see your home page MY BACKLINK

MY BACKLINK - After some time rarely update on this blog on this occasion Arlina Design will share the installation of the latest features of Google AdSense, which features In-Feed Ads ad units that can be installed on the blog. This ad unit is quite interesting, because it will be installed between the list of articles following the form of customizable post layouts.

For those of you who want to add this feature you can follow the following simple steps.

How to Install Google AdSense In-Feed Ads on Blogger

First, open your Google Adsense dashboard. Click the My ads > Content > Ad units > Then click the button New ad units

Next select in-feed ads

How to Install Google AdSense In-Feed Ads on Blogger

In the next step please select one type of display according to your blog.

Next step, go to Blogger dashboard > Themes > Click the Edit HTML button > Find the code below

<b:loop values='data:posts' var='post'>

Replace the code into the code below

<b:loop values='data:posts' var='post' index='x'>

Note: do not forget to back up your blog template first.

Next look for this code

<div class='post-outer'>

Add the code below just below the code in the step above <div class='post-outer'>.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;static_page&quot; and data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:x==1'>
<div class='post'>
<b:if cond='data:x==3'>
<div class='post'>

Then the result will be like this.

<div class='post-outer'>...</div>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;static_page&quot; and data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:x==1'>
<div class='post'>
<b:if cond='data:x==3'>
<div class='post'>

Replace YOUR CODE SCRIPT NATIVE ADS with your In-Feed Ads ad code, save the template and see the results.

How to Create an AMP Adsense Unit on Blogger

Adsense AMP

MyBacklink86 - When new to AMP HTML, it's hard to place the right Adsense ad unit on the AMP blog.

And now Google has given an explanation about the placement of Adsense ad units for AMP HTML blog. And after I try, ad units can look great on all device sizes.

If you are still confused in placing an ad unit Adsense on AMP blog, please refer to this post to complete.

Usually the code of an Adsense ad unit will look like below :

<script async src="//"></script>

<ins class="adsbygoogle"

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});


The code marked above is the code needed for the amp ad unit.

For Top Display (Above The Fold)

The top-of-the-fold display is the screen display once the blog is open (the first view is visible before the screen is scrolled down). For ad units on this top view screen (such as an ad below the header), it is highly recommended to use a ad unit fixed-height 100px (the width of the ad will follow its width, while the height will remain 100px). That way, the ads that show up are ads with a height in the 100px range.

Please use the amp ad code as below


Use the data-ad-client and data-ad-slot of your Adsense ad units.

For On-Screen Display Ads On-Scroll (Below The Fold)

Below the fold is the screen that appears after the page is scrolled. Usually these ads are stored under posts or above and below comments.

For this ad it is recommended to use an ad unit with a height of 250px. Here I use layout="fixed-height" so the ads that appear are ads that are high in the 250px range.

Please use the code amp ad as below


Use the data-ad-client and data-ad-slot of your AdSense ad units.

And make sure you've installed js amp-ad below </head> .

<script async custom-element="amp-ad" src=""></script>


How To Make Youtube Videos Responsive in Blog

Youtube Videos Responsive

MyBacklink86 - YouTube is a video sharing website The most popular today is where my friend can upload videos, watch videos, or it could be to generate revenue from youtube adsense account by registering via youtube.

Many advantages offered by this youtube sites, one of which is the video embed feature that can mate to add and can be viewed directly on the blog. However, by adding the video will reduce the value of SEO blog because the iframe element and the zoom was not responsive if the screen size is reduced.

In this article My Backlink will give a youtube video tricks to become responsive and will not reduce the value of SEO blog. Here's how its application:

1. Go to Blogger >> Template >> Edit HTML >> Add the code below before the ]]></b:skin> or </style>

/* Youtube Responsive */
.video-responsive iframe{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;border:0}

2. Add the following code before the </body>

<script type='text/javascript'>
// Youtube Responsive
setTimeout(function(){$(".video-youtube").each(function(){$(this).replaceWith('<iframe class="video-youtube loader" src="'+$(this).data("src")+'" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" height="281" width="500"></iframe>')})},5e3);

3. Save Template

4. Next to the add video in the sidebar or post blog, use the code below:

Youtube Videos Responsive

<div class="videoyoutube">
<div class="video-responsive">
<div class="video-youtube loader" data-src="//">

Examples of link embed youtube video :

Youtube Videos Responsive

Copy the embed youtube link like the screenshot above, and then store them in your HTML code above.

For responsive youtube video codes you can apply in the sidebar of a blog or in a blog post, all according to your wishes which you want to post your blog responsive youtube video.

How To Make Responsive Floating Ads with Close button in Blog

Responsive Floating Ads

MyBacklink86 - This time My Backlink will give a tutorial on how to advertise drift (Fixed banner ad or text) that has been unresponsive to additional blog the close button below.

Most people start a blog as a hobby, but there is also the purpose to make friends, increase sales online store, make money and so forth. As a means of supporting the activity of blogging, my friend can put advertising space on the blog to help advertisers promote their products.

Banner ads that float with additional buddy close button may often encounter in a blog or forum that installed it. The close button serves as an alternative if the visitor was annoyed because he had read the content was blocked by floating banner.

Responsive Floating Ads

Here's How to Install Floating Ads Responsive with Close Button :

Go to Blogger >> Template >> Then add the following code before the </body>

<script type='text/javascript'>
$(document).ready(function() {$(&#39;img#closed&#39;).click(function(){$(&#39;#bl_banner&#39;).hide(90);});});
<div id='fixedban' style='width:100%;margin:auto;text-align:center;float:none;overflow:hidden;display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:0;z-index:999;-webkit-transform:translateZ(0);'>
<div><a id='close-fixedban' onclick='document.getElementById(&apos;fixedban&apos;).style.display = &apos;none&apos;;' style='cursor:pointer;'><img alt='close' src='' title='close button' style='vertical-align:middle;'/></a></div>
<div style='text-align:center;display:block;max-width:728px;height:auto;overflow:hidden;margin:auto'>
<a href='#' title='Banner ad here'><img style='max-width:100%;height:auto;vertical-align:middle;' alt='Banner iklan disini' src=''/></a>

Change width and banner ads on the code marked according to your wish.

Save Template

Responsive Floating Ads is very good for use on a mobile site to see.

How to Install Widget Recent Post Responsive Slider in Sidebar Blog

Widget Recent Post Responsive Slider in Sidebar Blog

MyBacklink86 - This post I will provide a tutorial that is not less cool with the previous tutorial article, which is about how to Add Recent Post Responsive Slider in Sidebar Blog. Widget Recent Post Slider This is quite interesting because it brings up a list of the latest articles slider with thumbnails and effects that will continue to run automatically. Not only that, this widget can also be arranged to bring the latest article by label our blog.

This widget fits written in the blog sidebar pages, because the size is just right to put on the sidebar. Okay, the rest follow the following tutorial.

How to Make Recent Post Thumbnail Grid Display Responsive

Add Widgets Recent Post Slider in Sidebar

1. Go to Blogger & gt; Layout & gt; Create a new widget HTML / Javascript & gt; Then copy the code below in it

<style scoped="" type="text/css">
ul.rcentside *{-moz-box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box }ul.rcentside{font-size:11px}ul.rcentside,ul.rcentside li{margin:0;padding:0;list-style:none;position:relative }ul.rcentside{width:100%;height:500px }ul.rcentside li{height:24.5%;position:absolute;padding:0;width:49.5%;float:left;overflow:hidden;display:none }ul.rcentside li:nth-child(1),ul.rcentside li:nth-child(2),ul.rcentside li:nth-child(3),ul.rcentside li:nth-child(4){display:block }ul.rcentside img{border:0;width:100%;height:auto}ul.rcentside li:nth-child(1){width:100%;height:49.5%;margin:0 0 2px;left:0;top:0 }ul.rcentside li:nth-child(2){left:0;top:50% }ul.rcentside li:nth-child(3){left:50.5%;top:50% }ul.rcentside li:nth-child(4){width:100%;left:0;top:75% }ul.rcentside .overlayx,ul.rcentside li{transition:all .4s ease-in-out }ul.rcentside .overlayx{width:100%;height:100%;position:absolute;z-index:2;left:0;top:0;opacity:.6;background-image:url(;background-position:50% 50%;background-repeat:repeat-x }ul.rcentside .overlayx,ul.rcentside img{margin:3px}ul.rcentside li:nth-child(1).overlayx{background-position:50% 25% }ul.rcentside .overlayx:hover{opacity:.1 }ul.rcentside h4{position:absolute;bottom:10px;left:10px;right:10px;z-index:2;color:#fff;font-weight:700;margin:0;padding:10px;line-height:1.5em;font-weight:normal;overflow:hidden;transition:all .3s}ul.rcentside li:hover h4{bottom:30px}ul.rcentside li:nth-child(1)h4,ul.rcentside li:nth-child(4)h4{font-size:150% }ul.rcentside .label_text{position:absolute;bottom:0;left:20px;z-index:2;color:#fff;font-size:90%;opacity:0;transition:all .3s}ul.rcentside li:hover .label_text{bottom:20px;opacity:1}ul.rcentside li:nth-child(2).autname,ul.rcentside li:nth-child(3).autname{display:none }.buttons{margin:5px 0 0 }.buttons a{display:inline-block;text-indent:-9999px;width:15px;height:25px;position:relative }.buttons a::before{content:"";width:0;height:0;border-width:8px 7px;border-style:solid;border-color:transparent #535353 transparent transparent;position:absolute;top:50%;margin-top:-8px;margin-left:-10px;left:50% }.buttons a.nextx::before{border-color:transparent transparent transparent #535353;margin-left:-3px }
<div id="featuredpostside"></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
function FeaturedPostSide(a){(function(e){var h={blogURL:"",MaxPost:4,idcontaint:"",ImageSize:100,interval:5000,autoplay:false,loadingClass:"loadingxx",pBlank:"",MonthNames:["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"],tagName:false};h=e.extend({},h,a);var g=e(h.idcontaint);var d=h.MaxPost*200;g.html('<div class="sliderx"><ul class="rcentside"></ul></div><div class="buttons"><a href="#" class="prevx">prev</a><a href="#" class="nextx">next</a></div>');var f=function(w){var q,k,m,u,x,p,t,v,r,l="",s=w.feed.entry;for(var o=0;o<s.length;o++){for(var n=0;n<s[o].link.length;n++){if(s[o].link[n].rel=="alternate"){q=s[o].link[n].href;break}}if("media$thumbnail" in s[o]){u=s[o].media$thumbnail.url.replace(/\/s[0-9]+\-c/g,"/s"+h.ImageSize+"-c")}else{u=h.pBlank.replace(/\/s[0-9]+(\-c|\/)/,"/s"+h.ImageSize+"$1")}k=s[o].title.$t;r=s[o].published.$t.substring(0,10);m=s[o].author[0].name.$t;x=r.substring(0,4);p=r.substring(5,7);t=r.substring(8,10);v=h.MonthNames[parseInt(p,10)-1];l+='<li><a target="_blank" href="'+q+'"><div class="overlayx"></div><img class="random" src="'+u+'"/><h4>'+k+'</h4></a><div class="label_text"><span class="date"><span class="dd">'+t+'</span> <span class="dm">'+v+'</span> <span class="dy">'+x+'</span></span> <span class="autname">'+m+"</span></div></li>"}e("ul",g).append(l).addClass(h.loadingClass)};var c=function(){e(h.idcontaint+" .nextx").click()};var b=function(){e.get((h.blogURL===""?window.location.protocol+"//""/feeds/posts/summary"+(h.tagName===false?"":"/-/"+h.tagName)+"?max-results="+h.MaxPost+"&orderby=published&alt=json-in-script",f,"jsonp");setTimeout(function(){e(h.idcontaint+" .prevx").click(function(){e(h.idcontaint+" .sliderx li:first").before(e(h.idcontaint+" .sliderx li:last"));return false});e(h.idcontaint+" .nextx").click(function(){e(h.idcontaint+" .sliderx li:last").after(e(h.idcontaint+" .sliderx li:first"));return false});if(h.autoplay){var i=h.interval;var j=setInterval(c,i);e(h.idcontaint+" .sliderx li:first").before(e(h.idcontaint+" .sliderx li:last"));e(h.idcontaint+" .sliderx").hover(function(){clearInterval(j)},function(){j=setInterval(c,i)})}e("ul",g).removeClass(h.loadingClass)},d)};e(document).ready(b)})(jQuery)};
  blogURL: "",
  MaxPost: 8,
  idcontaint: "#featuredpostside",
  ImageSize: 300,
  interval: 5000,
  autoplay: true,
  tagName: false

2. Save the widget and see the results.

Settings widget

blogurl: " Replace with the url of your blog
MaxPost: 8 : The number of posts to be displayed
imagesize : The size or dimensions of the image in units of pixels
interval : The time needed when post slider switch
autoplay: true : To turn off auto slider, change the autoplay: true with autoplay: false
tagname: false : To add a new article based on the label, replace false with the name of a particular label. Eg Blogger: tagname: "Blogger"

Thus tutorial How to Install Widget Recent Post Responisve Slider in Sidebar Blog, may be useful.

How to Make a Simple Responsive Recent Posts in Blogspot

MyBacklink86 - Simple blog that will attract visitors much more than look too crowded. Crowded could have in terms of coloring is too much use of different colors or excessive use of widgets.

In addition to reducing the loading speed of a blog, use excessive widget also unsightly. By him that, this time My Backlink will give a tutorial use a simple widget recent posts.

Although simple, but it is quite spectacular recent posts because it can adapt to the theme of the blog.

How to Install Widget Recent Post Responsive Slider in Sidebar Blog

How to Make Recent Post Thumbnail Grid Display Responsive

How to make it simple, just follow the steps below.

1. First please copy and paste the following script into your sidebar blogspot. Figures 5 red marked simply replaced in accordance with the number of posts you want to display.

function showlatestposts(json){document.write('<ul id="recent-posts">');for(var i=0;i<5;i++){var 
entry=json.feed.entry[i];var posttitle=entry.title.$t;var postsurl;if(i==json.feed.entry.length)break;for(var k=0;k<;k++){if([k].rel=='alternate'){[k].href;break;}}
document.write('<li class="recent-posts">');document.write('<a href="'+ postsurl+'" target ="_top" title="'+ posttitle+'">'+ posttitle+'</a>');document.write('</li>');}

document.write("<scr" + "ipt type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/feeds/posts/default?orderby=published&amp;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=showlatestposts\"></scr" + "ipt>");

2. After that, go to the Edit your HTML and paste the following code just above the </head>.

<style type='text/css'>
    padding:0 10px;
    margin:0 auto;
    border:1px solid #ddd;
#recent-posts ul,#recent-posts li {
#recent-posts a{
#recent-posts li{
    border-top:1px solid #ddd;
    padding:6px 0
#recent-posts li:first-child{

3. After clicking Save and view the results on your blog.

Good Luck