How To Easily Install SEO Smart Links in Blog

SEO Smart Links in Blog
My Backlink - In this article my backlink will be sharing plugin SEO Smart Links & which is a WordPress plugin that works to change every word specified in an article be a link.

How to Work Smart SEO Plugin Link This plugin will read every word pal specified in the article. For example if my friend added the word SEO or Blogger in the plugin, then every word will be automatically turned into a link if at all in your blog article contained the word.

How to Install SEO Smart Links

Open Blogger > Template > Then add the following code before the</body>

<script type='text/javascript'>
function smartLink(){
    this.keywdHref = new Object();
    this.add = function(keyword, href){
        if(keyword.substr(0,1) != &quot; &quot;){keyword = &quot; &quot; + keyword;}
        this.keywdHref[keyword] =  href;
    this.createAnchor = function(){
        var objs = document.getElementsByTagName(&quot;div&quot;);
        for(var i=0; i&lt;objs.length; i++){
            var obj = objs[i];
                var content = obj.innerHTML;
                for(var keyword in this.keywdHref){
                    var href = this.keywdHref[keyword];
                    var newstr = content.replace(keyword, &quot;&lt;a href=&#39;&quot;+href+&quot;&#39;&gt;&quot;+keyword+&quot;&lt;/a&gt;&quot;, &quot;gi&quot;);
                    obj.innerHTML = newstr;
                    content = newstr;
    this.startScript = function(){
        var onLoad = window.onload;
        window.onload = function(){
            setTimeout(&quot;f.createAnchor()&quot;, 100);
<script type='text/javascript'>
var f = new smartLink();
f.add(&quot;SEO&quot;, &quot;;);

If you want the plugin above only appear on post pages only, please add a special conditional tags post page.

Save template

In the code that is marked with SEO by keywords pal specify and change with the url of your blog.

In the above code buddy can add more keywords below, as an example

f.add(&quot;SEO&quot;, &quot;;); f.add(&quot;Template&quot;, &quot;;); f.add(&quot;Blogger&quot;, &quot;;);

Buddy can also add words into bold, for example.

f.add(&quot;&lt;b&gt;SEO&lt;/b&gt;&quot;, &quot;;);


It is advisable to use three keywords is enough.

How to Make Your Own URL Shortener with JavaScript in Blogger

How to Make Your Own URL Shortener with JavaScript

MyBacklink86 - How to Make Your Own URL Shortener with My Backlink, JavaScript - In this post I tried to create its own URL shortener using JavaScript code. If before me and you used to use, and the like, now I am and you will create its own URL shortener. The script that I can share is also called a URL Redirect. URL Redirection or transfer permalink actually been facilitated by a blogger, only limited on our blog, can not lead to other blogs.

If the existing CMS WordPress plugin "Simple URLs", the result will be something like with it, because I was also inspired by this plugin. If my friend do not know, maybe my friend never seen such links more or less like the picture. To be more clear, please click the Facebook My Backlink 86 below:

To make it, save the code above </head> .

Example One

<script language='javascript'>
var key = window.location.href.split("go/")[1].replace("/","")
var urls={
'blabla':"" /* the latter without coma */
document.write("'"+key+"' not found :(");

Example Two

<script language='javascript'>
var key = window.location.href.split("go/")[1].replace("/","")
var urls={
'blabla':"" /* the latter without coma */
document.write("'"+key+"' not found :(");

Example Three

<script language='javascript'>
var key = window.location.href.split("go/")[1].replace("/","")
var urls={
'twitter':"" /* the latter without coma */
}else{ document.write("'"+key+"' not found :(");

Change / add the link as desired mate. To understand it, when I wrote 'fb':'' means, when accessing will lead to

How to Make the Anti Copy Paste Except certain parts of Blogger

don't not copy paste

Live Demo Here

MY BACKLINK - How to Make the Anti Copy Paste Except certain parts of Blogger. Have your Blog Copas by others? if ever what you feel? surely you would be annoyed and angry, we are tired - tired of writing by hand until kinky, eh not him someone else is reading your blog copy and paste the link source without.

One way to minimize the blog post so as not to copy and paste is to install script or css anti Copas blog you, but this is not suitable for you, if your blog about the tutorial, because the blog tutorial there are some code like css, html, javacript and others - others who must be able to copy and paste someone else. Oh yes anti copy and paste this script does not use javascript but using css, so it does not affect the loading of your blog.

How to Make the Anti Copy Paste Except certain parts of Blogger.

  1. Log in to blogger account.
  2. Log into the template editor (Edit HTML).
  3. Then put the anti Copas css code below the above code ]]></b:skin>.

    .post-outer {

  • Then so that later we can make certain parts can copy and paste, then we have to add the code below in the section & blockquote, pre and code.
  • The trick pairs css below the above code ]]></b:skin>.

    .post blockquote,.post pre,.post code{

  • The last step Save the template and see the results.

  • Now you can make your blog is safe from the copaser. If certain parts of your blog can copy and paste, then you've succeeded in implementing trick Easy Ways to Make Blog Not Be in Copas Unless Specified Part.

    Hope it is useful

    Ceate a Breadcrumb SEO Friendly blogger

    breadcrumb navigation SEO friendly blogger

    My Backlink - Navigation breadcrumb is a link that serves to provide guidance as to the location or category of an article and allows you to find the basic page of the article being read.

    Link shown here is the link where your articles are or can be called as a location of your article. Breadcrumb navigation is commonly placed on the title of the article / post.

    There are three benefits / usefulness of breadcrumb navigation, namely:

    1. Beautify the look of the page / article.
    2. Allows visitors to browse the blog.
    3. Optimizing a page in search engines (search engines).
    The most important of the above 3 things of course is "optimizing pages in search engines" or often called SEO. For those who do not know about SEO, you can search on google about what SEO.

    Breadcrumb navigation may not be as important as keywords in SEO. But clearly the breadcrumb navigation is one of the factors of SEO. So, a little amount will also affect the position of your blog in search engines, especially Google.

    How to install the breadcrumb navigation in the blogger.

    Breadcrumb navigation in the blogger will appear based on the label of your post. Here's the tutorial.
    1. Login to the blogger.
    2. Select the Layout (Layout) »Edit HTML.
    3. Tick to Expand Widget Templates.
    4. Find the following code. You will find more than one code like this. Select the second one, which is in / under the code <b:includable id='post' var='post'
    <b:if cond='data:post.title'>

    5. Add the following code at the bottom.

    <b:if cond='data:post.labels'>
    <b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
    <a expr:href='data:label.url' rel='tag'><></a>
    <b:if cond='data:label.isLast != "true"'>,</b:if>

    6. Save the template.

    Now look at the result. If it is successful, it means that you are already running one of the SEO tips.

    Hopefully be useful :) .