How to disable Ctrl U, Ctrl A, Ctrl C, and Disable Right Click on Blog

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This is a highly accurate way to keep the blog posts of people who like Copy-Paste and then post the article back on their blogs.

How to use in your blog:
1. Login to Dashboard blog
2. Go to Template ►► Edit HTML
3. Find <body> code (press Ctrl + F to facilitate the search)
4. Replace <body> code with the code below:

<body oncontextmenu='return false;' onkeydown='return false;' onmousedown='return false;'> 

5. Save Template

► oncontextmenu = 'return false;' (To turn off the right click function)
► onkeydown = 'return false;' (To turn off the CTRL + A and CTRL + U)
► onmousedown = "return false;" (To turn off the function block in the article)
► 'Return false;' (To enable each function in Java script, if you want to disable one replace it with a 'return true;')